
CSN confidentiality commitment

We seek to engender trust without judgment and to offer practical support from individuals skilled or experienced in the issues identified. 

Confidentiality is very important to CSN.  Everything shared will remain strictly confidential: there will be no contact with any other parties,  the only exception being if there is a risk ​either of ​self-harm or ​to a child or vulnerable person.  In such cases CSN is legally and ethically bound to take appropriate action.

CSN contacts have a suitably qualified member of the CSN - a supervisor - with whom they may on occasions share case information (without identifying any individual caller), for support and to ensure that the best possible help is being offered.

In a small, closely-knit community such as ours, the risk of loss of trust and breach of confidentiality is potentially very real. The Christadelphian Support Network (CSN) committee has, as a matter of absolute priority, always emphasised the need to be aware of, and to avoid, this risk.

In becoming CSN members, all members sign a form committing to the principle of confidentiality and our concern is for best practice in helping each brother and sister in need.

You may be encouraged to make contact with your ecclesia for support but we stand by our assurance of confidentiality if that is your wish.

Ecclesial Autonomy and Confidentiality link